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Automatically return to the screen number of your choice after exiting the screensaver


In this post, we’ll show you how to automatically return to the screen number of your choice after exiting the screensaver.

For this purpose, we use the Local bit LB60142 (Screen saver state), as soon as it goes from 1 to 0, we set a LW to the screen number of our choice

LW for control the screen number

Define a local word LW of your choice to control the screen number to be displayed, here we choose LW100
Cocher la case “Automatic reset”
Select “Screen” for the screens (“Windows” for windows popups)

Script to monitor screensaver status

Create a new script using the chosen local word (LocalWord[100]) and the desired screen number after exiting the screensaver, here =0

#include "MacroInit.h"
void Macro_main(IN *p)

Call the script on change of LB60142 status (Screen saver state)

Then call this script on the change of state from “OFF -> ON” of the local bit LB60142 (Screen saver state)