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Zelio and Modbus


Parameter entry

Parameters can be entered either using “Zelio Soft 2” software, or directly using the buttons on the Zelio Logic smart relay (1).

When the “RUN” instruction is given, the Zelio Logic smart relay initialises the Modbus network slave communication module in a configuration previously defined in the basic program.

The Mod bus slave communication module has 4 parameters:

  • number of UART wires and format of the frames on the Mod bus network,
  • transmission speed,
  • parity,
  • network address of the Modbus module.

The default parameter settings are as follows: 2-wire, RTU, 19 200 bauds, even parity, address n ° 1 .

  • Number of wires: 2 or 4
  • Frame format: RTU orASCll
  • Transmission speed in bauds: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19 200, 28 800, 38 400, 57 600
  • Parity: None, even, odd
  • Network address: 1 to 247


Addressing of Modbus exchanges

In LADDER mode

The 4 data words (16 bits) to be exchanged cannot be accessed by the application.

Transfers with the master are implicit and are effected in a way that is totally transparent.

Modbus exchanges Code Number of words
Image of smart relay I/O Read 03 4
Clock words Read/Write 16, 06 or 03 4
Clock words Read 03 1


In FBD mode

The 4 input data words (16 bits) (J1XT1 to J4XT1) and the 4 output data words (01XT1 to 04XT1) can be accessed by the application.

Dedicated function blocks make it possible to:

  • break down a ‘complete’ type input (16 bits) into 16 separate “bit” type outputs.
    • example: break down a J1XT1 to J4XT1 type input and copy these status values to discrete outputs.
  • make up a ‘complete’ type output (16 bits) from 16 separate “bit” type inputs.
    • example: transfer the status value of the discrete inputs or the status of a function to an O1XT1 to O4XT1 type output.
Modbus exchanges Code Number of words
Input words Read/Write 16, 06 or 03 4
Output words Read 03 4
Clock words Read/Write 16, 06 or 03 4
Status words Read 03 1








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