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How to build and customise a numeric or ASCII keyboard


Menu [Settings] > [Add Customised Keyboard]: This command is used to setup a new keyboard.

Each button can be customised. You can add a new button via the Tool “Keyboard” or Copy and Past an existing one


Here we provide an example of how to create an ASCII keyboard

ASCII input field

Add a “ASCII Entry” element. Enter the LW address and the required length. In “Advanced” tab you will select “Use the keyboard” after define it in the next step.


Add a new keyboard

Menu [Settings] > [Add Customised Keyboard] and follow the wizard

You can modify each key (double-click on each key to change them), select the right code for each one, copy and paste, and so on.

Key layout

  • Use the rectangle selection with the mouse and its left button to select several keys.
  • Use the [Ctrl] key on your PC keyboard to select/deselect a key.
  • Use the [Ctrl] + [Shift] keys to select the model to be copied to the other models.

And using these tools for alignments

Shift function

For the Shift function, we’re going to use a local bit attached to the Shift key, and make the keys visible or not depending on this bit.

First you need to add a Shift key to the keyboard, but this time with the Bit Switch/Button tool.

And for each pair of keyboard keys (here, [q] and [Q]), make them visible or not depending of LB0 (Shift button) in our example

Repeat the same procedure for each key

LW registers

ASCII LW60013 is the upper limit of value input
ASCII LW60023 is the lower limit of value input
ASCII LW60033 is the dData contents shown in keyboard

You can download the example project here