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ACE-GTW-4G Quick Setup Video
For start your first MQTT communication between:
- MQTT Broker (Server) < >
- < > ACE-GTW-4G Gateway (MQTT Client)
- < > Another MQTT (Here, another MQTT Client Software)
For start, you just need:
- ACE-GTW-4G Gateway
- WiFi Internet connection or Ethernet network (RJ45) with DHCP server and Internet access
Connect to the Gateway web interface
- IP address: (Your PC must be on the same network
- Login = root
- Password = root (Replace it with a strong password in production)
Setup and Check an Internet connection
- Internet connection via:
- its WiFi (see video)
- or WAN interface (DHCP Client) to your local network that has a DHCP server and Internet access.
- Check the Internet connection with the Ping tool
Setup a connection to a MQTT Broker and send the first MQTT Topic
- MQTT Broker: or (replace the broker in the video)
- Username : aceautomation
- Password : (Please contact us to obtain it – This MQTT server is a test broker for our customers, not for permanent use)
- Use this Broker only for your tests (For install your own MQTT Broker, you can see How to install a Cloud MQTT Broker on a VPS)
- MQTT Topic GPS/Available with the internal Payload bit $GPSVAL$[0;1]
- This internal Payload (bit 0/1) indicates if internal GPS data is available
- Common tag prefix for PUBs and SUBs (optional) : MyPrefix/
- Don’t forget the / at the end
- This function avoids the need to enter a common prefix and/or suffix for all Topics
Check with another MQTT Client the Topic we sent from the ACE-GTW-4G
- Topic : MyPrefix/GPS/Available
Here, we check with the MQTT-Explorer software.
Parameters are the following:
- MQTT Broker: or (replace the broker in the video)
- Username : aceautomation
- Password : (Please contact us to obtain it – This MQTT server is a test broker for our customers, not for permanent use)
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