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How do I configure the TB03PWM010-35 3-in/3-out PWM to 0-10V converter?
It is sometimes useful to be able to connect the ACE PLC to a PWM to 0-10 V converter.
- control a frequency inverter via its 0-10 V input.
- convert and scale an analogue value to a 0-10 V value
- control any device with an analogue input
You can have 6 digital inputs, 3 digital outputs and 3 analog outputs with a ACE-11 and a TB03PWM010-35:
This converter is inexpensive for 3 analog outputs, well designed electronically by us and reliable. It has 15 connection terminals. You can buy it here.
ACE digital outputs connector
First, wire the (+) to the 24 VDC (+) to get a 24 VDC on digital output (not 5 VDC by default):
Outputs wiring description
Wiring of the PWM converter at the output of the ACE PLC :
Remember that the ACE PLC has NPN outputs, not PNP. ACE returns its outputs to 0V when active.
CONVERTER 3 x PWM TO 3 x 0-10V |
[PWM IN1/IN2/IN3][0V] | < > | One of its digital output (NPN) | |
[PWM IN1/IN2/IN3][24V] | < > | + 24 VDC (Same as the ACE PLC) | |
[+24VDC] | < > | + 24 VDC (Same as the ACE PLC) | |
[GND] | < > | GND – 0VDC (Same as the ACE PLC) | |
[0-10V OUT][V-] | < > | GND – 0VDC (GND 0-10V input external devices) | |
[0-10V OUT] [V-][1 2 3] | < > | Yours 0-10 V (0-10V input external devices) |
For PLC with PNP outputs, [PWM IN1/IN2/IN3][0V] is connected to [GND] and [PWM IN1/IN2/IN3][24V] to one of the PLC’s digital outputs.
The subroutine for easy integration
Here is the subroutine:
- 3 “OutAna“, the values you want on the PWM 0-10V converter “0-10V OUT” analog outputs
- 3 “OutBitPWM_” : the ACE outputs “OutBit” for the PWM 0-10V converter “PWM IN” inputs
You can import this subroutine (3PWM_To_3ANA.viofs) in your ACE PLC project.
The best value for the PWM signal frequency for this product is 1 kHz. We have set the “Period Length” to 1000 microseconds.
See “PWM – Pulse-width Modulation” page for more information on PWM if you wish to understand this function.
And we scale the values. The converter is lineare, so we need only 2 values for the Scale tool.
For PWM, we use a minimum “On Time” of about 2 microseconds.