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How to make several ACEs communicate with each other via the HMI?

This tutorial shows you how to establish communication between several ACEs via the HMI.

We are going to setup a comunication with these ACE PLCs:

  • ACE 1802 as slave I/O
  • ACE 3090 as master of the ACE 1802
  • CommadHMI who manage the data forwarding

But you can use any ACEs able to be connected to the HMI.

Some examples of architectures with ACE PLC and HMI

Step by step, what you need to do:

In the remote slave ACE 1802 PLC

Make a simple program like this.
We transfer:

  • all ACE PLC inputs are “pack” in ui16 word registers
  • all ui16 word registers are “unpack” in outputs of the ACE PLC

You can named ui16 as you want.

In Modbus register, enter the ui16 words

Remember the address of inputs/outputs


Check than yours OutBits ui16 are remotly writable in Modbus!

Now, you can upload your program:

  1.  Upload the program
  2.  Run the program 

Then connect the ACE to the HMI via its RS232 port or USB port. (See the tutorial about ” Getting started with your ACE and your CommandHMI “)

In the master ACE 3090 PLC

Make a simple program like this.
We transfer:

  • all ui16 word registers are “unpack” in local bits of the remote inputs
  • all local bits of the remote outputs are “pack” in ui16 word registers

You can named ui16 as you want.

In Modbus register, enter the ui16 words

Remember the address of inputs/outputs

Check than yours RInBits ui16 are remotly writable in Modbus!

Now, you can upload your program:

  1.  Upload the program
  2.  Run the program 

Then connect the ACE to the HMI via its RS232 port or USB port. (See the tutorial about ” Getting started with your ACE and your CommandHMI “)

In the HMITool software

Now we are going to:

  • forward the inputs of the remote slave to the Modbus register of the master
  • forward the Modbus register data to the outputs of the remote slave

For that, we enter 3 data forwarding rules:

Remote inputs

Remote inputs

Remote outputs

You must have your ACE PLCs connected to the HMI, via RS23, RS485 or USB

ACE 3090 connected to the HMI via the RS232 port (Modbus)

ACE 1802 connected to the HMI via the USB port (Modbus)

Upload your HMI project.

About the performance of data refresh

From the master, the remote inputs/outputs are refreshed approximately every 10 to 130 ms.