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How to use the VNC feature of the HM-070MW and HM-102BW HMI?
The VNC port is set to 7530 and cannot be changed (another value is not taken into account in HMI-Tool). Only HMIs ending by “W” (ex: HM-070MW, HM102BW,..) have this feature.
Note [2023.10]: The password cannot be changed via the HMI screen
Connect from your LAN (Local)
With any VNC client under Windows, Linux, Android, IOS,..
With any web browser
- http://_______________:7430/novnc/vnc_auto.html?host=_______________&port=7530&true_color=1
- Where _______________ is your HMI local IP address
- Example:
If it is not in English, you can switch it: On a mobile, to move the screen, use the outside area of the HMI screen (Dark grey area)
Connect from outside/Internet
You need to NAT the IP port inside your Internet box/router
- Protocole = TCP
- External port = 1234 : The port you want to use from external/Internet. Can be somthing else than 1234
- Destination IP = Your HMI IP address
- Destination port = 7530 : The HMI VNC port. Always 7530
- NAT the ports 7530 and 7430
Example for our Internet router (from the Internet provider, SFR here in France)
Inside your Internet box/router:
You have to NAT 2 TCP ports:
Now, connect with VNC Client to your public IP address:
You can find it in your Internet router or use to obtain get your public IP address
Here, the IP address is following by the port number 7530
Note: It’s important to set a strong password
With any VNC client under Windows, Linux, Android, IOS,..
With WiFi local Access Point in DHCP mode
You can connect your HMI and your smartphone or PC to a WiFi Access Point (Internet box, Smartphone in Personnal Access Point mode, travel WiFi router,…) To do this you need to know the IP address received by the DHCP server of the Access Point
Find the IP address of the HMI you need to connect to.