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Sending ASCII characters via the HMI serial port for a device calibration
The data
In this example, the data are as follows:
We have a laser and we need to calibrate it via the HMI serial port in RS232/485.
Baudrate = 115200; data bit = 8; stop bit = 1; parity = none
- Each command starts with a hashtag followed by a command. If a module is addressed, the number of the port is transmitted separated by a space and, for some commands, an additional value. The command is concluded with a carriage return and line feed:
#<CMD> (<PORT>) (<VALUE>)\r\n
Example of commands
Command | Port | Value | Info | Response |
#cal_0 | 1…4 | – | Calibration zero point | – |
#cal_g | 1…4 | 0…65535 | Calibration point with gas | – |
Resetting laser modules, e.g. for the laser 1 (Characters and ASCII codes):
- #cal_0 1\r\n
- 35 99 97 108 95 48 32 49 13 10
Module calibration, e.g. for the laser 2 (Characters and ASCII codes):
- #cal_g 2 3000\r\n
- 35 99 97 108 95 103 32 50 32 51 48 48 48 13 10
The HMI project
You can download here the HMI project
Devices 1 to 4 are the buttons that send the reset command to the laser modules.
- LB100 is not used, but is required to use the “Bit button”
- In “Advanced” tab, you can see that we set a value in LW100. It is the the device number (49=1, 50=2,…)
- These buttons call a script
The “Numerical inputs” are for enter a value for the module calibration
- LW101…104 are the value to be send for the calibration
- In “Advanced” tab, you can see that we set a value in LW100. It is the the device number (49=1, 50=2,…)
- These buttons call a script
See here for the 2 scripts
Example of data received by the device for this command #cal_g 1 12345